Review of the brokers::Top Insurance Brokers
Review of the brokers::Top Insurance Brokers
Remember back to election night 2006. As we watched the tidal wave of Democrat victories across the country, there was the sense that change was in the air. After five years of Pres. Bush not being held accountable for anything; after five years of Congress effectively acting as an automatic rubber stamp of approval for Bush's policies; after five years of the legislative branch of the American government serving at the pleasure of the President as though they were some kind of Cabinet department, there was a definite sense that the long national nightmare was about to end. The American people had spoken and for a change their will couldn't be undone by the Supreme Court and we all waited with our hearts pounding for the day when Pres. Bush would finally have to answer for his criminal behavior and the Iraq quagmire would finally come to an end. What happened? I always knew the Democrats were spineless, but I never thought they would actually turn into the Republican Party. When Congress was controlled by the Republicans, they exercised none of their Constitutionally mandated rights to make sure the executive branch was not overextending the reach of its power. No matter what Pres. Bush did, the Republican Congress looked the other way. The Democrats vowed that once they controlled Congress things would change. They would now have subpoena power. They would control the agenda to make sure that policy that genuinely affects Americans would be addressed. Most importantly, they vowed to stop the madness that is Iraq. What happened? Nancy Pelosi talks big. And then does nothing. The big boys and girls in the Senate excoriate Pres. Bush on the floor. And then do nothing. How is that the Republican minority is able to control the agenda? When the Democrats were the minority all we heard were complaints that the Republicans were placing obstacles to holding Bush accountable. Well, now the Democrats have the power, but they still aren't accomplishing anything. What happened? Since the Democrats took over Congress, Pres. Bush has increased the number of troops in Iraq. Since they took power, the amount of money being spent in Iraq has increased. Since the Democrats took power, Pres. Bush has faced one setback after another, one scandal after another. His approval ratings are at an all time low. He is verging into Nixon territory. Pres. Bush has no mandate. Pres. Bush has lost the confidence of the American people. And still the Democrats sit around twiddling their thumbs. They allow themselves to be politically outmaneuvered, still scared to death of looking unpatriotic and not caring about the troops. Well, as long as they keep sending troops back to Iraq to die, they certainly aren't supporting the troops. It is not being unpatriotic to keep Americans from dying in another country's civil war. For God's sake Democrats, grow a spine! Are you really so terrified of losing the Presidential election 2008 that you are willing to sacrifice American lives? Pres. Bush and Dick Cheney have already proven they have no conscience or shame; they will keep on sending Americans to needless deaths in the name of making you look bad. Bush and Cheney feel no compunction about spilling the blood of people they will never know in the service of painting you as un-America. It's what they do best. And by giving in to it, you only further their cynically murderous policy. Democrats, I call upon you to be willing to take the slings and arrows of morons and idiots and dupes who will question your decision to cut off funding for this illegal war. Yes, certainly you will be Republican power brokers. But the American people will support you. In the end, whatever big fat liars like Karl Rove say about you, you will be able to stand up and tell America you acted in the interest of our children. You acted to save lives, not to sacrifice them. Pres. Bush is dead. His words are no longer listened to by any but those who can't think for themselves. He is a pathetic joke, a punchline to history. To give in to his rhetoric only serves to make you look like fools. |
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